About Us


As the Model United Nations Community of Tevfik Ileri Anatolian Religious High School’s Foreign Languages Club, which has been active since 2020, we aim to improve students’ oratory, analytical and critical thinking, forbearance, self-confidence, awareness on global issues and their foreign language skills.

About Müsdav Genç

We are a youth organization that carries out activities in Türkiye and abroad in order to support and develop the programs and projects carried out by the International Muslim Community Solidarity Foundation for young people.

Our Basic Principles

  • Faith and Determination
  • Knowledge and Wisdom
  • Unity and Solidarity
  • Competence and Merit
  • Honesty and Transparency
  • Common Sense and Participation
  • Newness and Innovation

Areas of Activity
  • To explain to young people the universal principles and values of Islam that aim to bring peace and tranquility to humanity.
  • To develop a sense of brotherhood, unity, solidarity, solidarity and sharing among young people all over the world and to establish heart villains.
  • To support, develop and contribute to the projects of the International Muslim Community Solidarity Foundation.
  • To organize youth meetings, summits, symposiums, workshops, interviews and youth events for young people at home and abroad.
  • To cooperate with youth organizations abroad, especially in regions where the majority of the society is not Muslim.
  • To support young people who have achieved success at local and international level and contribute to their development.
  • To organize activities for visiting students coming to study in Türkiye.
  • To cooperate with local and international youth platforms and non-governmental organizations.